Friday 12 January 2007

First Post!

Ok, so I was going to start this for the new year, I'm a bit late but I haven't finished anything yet so it doesn't really matter. Hopefully I'll add more things like links etc soon, but for now I'm just going to list my current WIPs (work's in progress for those who don't yet speak 'knit').

  • A 'Bertie' scarf for MIL's birthday (hope she isn't reading this)
  • A Multidirectional Scarf in Twilleys Freedom Spirit (lovely wool) for me, to match the hat I knitted over christmas. I'll try and get a picture of that on here, they are both in colourway Fire.
  • A Baby hat just started for the Baby Pack Project
I probably have more things on the go (at least 2 pairs of socks, a scarf and bag - thats just what i can think of off the top of my head) but I'm not currently working on them. Perhaps I'll photograph them and show them on here. Then someone can tell me whether to finish or frog the item....

Sorry for the lack of pictures this time, the light inside is awful at the moment and not having a garden makes it difficult to find somewhere to photograph things - perhaps i should be more adventurous and do it in the middle of town.

That's all for now, hopefully it won't be long before I have something else to say, bye.


Magenta said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. Looking good so far. Before you know it you will be addicted!

Roadside said...

Looking good, will look forward to reading your new blog in the future.

Purplegem said...

Blogging and Knitting seem to go well together, it often inspires me to keep going at things, and always inspiring to see others work and thoughts.
Look forward to seeing your knitting pictures go up.
Happy blogging :)

Lindsey said...

Congrats on your new blog! I'm still trying to get in the habit of blogging myself, it can take too much time away from knitting....especially if you take time to read everyone else's blog, too! :-)

Speaking of've been tagged (and on your very first post, too!). You can read the rules on my blog!