Friday, 22 June 2007

Explaination of Absence

Well, its been a very long time since I last updated this blog, which wasn't my intention at all, but there is a good reason for it.

Just after the last post I found out I'm pregnant, and then proceeded to sleep and not knit for the next 3 months! Since then I have managed to knit a few bits, unsurprizingly most of them baby related so I'll post about those over the next few days.

That's about it for now, just wanted to say I'm back and am going to try and keep posting things when I have something to talk about, but I may disapear again due to baby related stuff.


Modelwidow said...

Congratulations! Look forward to seeing your knits, can`t think of a better excuse to rest and knit.

Rachel said...

Ooo, didn't realise anyone was actually reading this blog. I just thought I'd start it so I could see what I'd knit over the year. Thank-you :)